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Neal Peart


Known for his almost otherworldly advanced technique and his complex and innovative long form solos, Neil Peart is the epitome of a drummer’s drummer. With influences as diverse as Bonham, Moon, Krupa and Rich, he has been widely recognized through a host of readers’ polls and critical awards as one of the premier rock and progressive drummers of our time.


Since 1974 he’s not only provided the percussive foundation for the rock band Rush, but has also contributed the lion’s share of the group’s lyrical content.

His efforts have helped propel Rush to 24 gold and 14 platinum records, with sales that place them third behind The Beatles and The Rolling Stones for the most consecutive gold or platinum studio albums by a rock band.


In the late 90’s Neil was to take a sabbatical from playing. He returned to Rush in 2002 and continues to record and tour with them today.


As impressive as his playing credentials are, Neil’s writing and passions for travel, motorcycling and philosophy have added even more dimension to his almost legendary status.

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