Classic Drummer Hall of Fame
Honoring Music's Most Influential Drummers
As voted by the readers of Classic Drummer Magazine

Ron Tutt

Whenever you see film of the King slaying an audience in one of his trademark jumpsuits, the man driving the groove and punching Elvis’ every move is none other than the great Ron Tutt. Whether in the studio or on the stage, Presley trusted Ron to support the emotion of the moment and the feel of the music.
Of course when an artist spends a decade working with an icon, his other work can often be overshadowed. However, after the death of Presley Tutt was invited to join Neil Diamond as his permanent touring and studio drummer. In addition, he’s either performed with or recorded with country greats including Glen Campbell, Johnny Cash and Kenny Rogers as well as rockers Los Lobos, Elvis Costello and Jerry Garcia. He’s even worked with pop stars Billy Joel, the Carpenters, Stevie Nicks and Michael McDonald, among many others, and his work on Roy Orbison’s In Black and White Live is time capsule worthy.
In addition to other projects, today Ron Tutt still plays with the King as part of the “virtual Elvis” tour along with his former band mates and audio/visual representations of Mr.Presley.